Graphics credit: Skysail Brand Marketing & Design TABITHA + CO™ as seen in the fall/winter edition 'Wardrobe Wishlist' of British Glamour. This fall/winter 20/21 edition comes in three different cover portraits featuring the unstoppable powerhouse Alicia Keys. She continues to use her platform to further racial equality, with a continued goal to empower Black America. Every quote in this interview is powerful and empowering. “ I am unafraid of taking risks, of stepping out on a limb for something that’s important.” ~ Alicia Keys Step into spring, download the British Glamour app or visit your local newsstand to read Alicia's full story by Ateh Jewel, photographs by Thomas Whiteside, make-up by Tasha Reiko Brown and styling by Jason Bolden. With kindness and gratitude, Tabitha (she/her) XO Photo credit: Valérie Leduc Photography "TABITHA + CO™ offers a unique, handcrafted, multi-functional leather collection, that is Mindfully Made™ with passion and that complements everyday real-world needs. Taking you from a morning on the go, to a night on the town. 'Travel with Tab' @tabithacompany #BritishGlamour #Luxury #Fantasy #Wonder
#TABITHACO #MindfullyMade #LeatherGoods #MadeInCanada
Photo Credit: Garnan Productions I am pleased to announce the Women Now premiere and air date of Monday February 22nd, 8:00pm ADT! Watch the episode on TABITHA + CO™ with host Allyssa Walsh. Join host Allyssa Walsh, for a glimpse of some of the best practices that go into the creating and making of/at TABITHA + CO™ in the Town of Pictou, Nova Scotia. The Birthplace of New Scotland. The 13 episodes of the Women Now are exclusively on Eastlink Community TV in the Maritimes, 10 and 610 in Nova Scotia. The series will encore Monday through Friday at 6:00pm ADT and will also be available on Eastlink OnDemand. I invite you to join host Allyssa Walsh on the Women Now TV series to watch this great line-up of 13 episodes featuring women from all over Nova Scotia that excel in their field. With kindness and gratitude, Tabitha XO Photo Credit: Director, Andrew Younger Videographer: Director of Photography Danny Leadley Photo Credit: Director, Andrew Younger Videographer: Director of Photography Danny Leadley Photo Credit: Valérie Leduc Photography
Graphics credit: Skysail Brand Marketing and Design Joy, Pure & Simple! Did you know?! TABITHA + CO™ was seen in The World of Interiors for the month of December. This first-class magazine featured Interior Designer, Ben Pentreath and Horticulturist, Charlie McCormick's designated flower room at their beautifully decorated penthouse flat in Bloomsbury, London, UK. Cover photo credit: Simon Upton We all need beautiful colours that bring pure and simple joy more than ever now, especially during the month of February. Charles certainly knows how to brighten their lime green flower room with a variety of colourful dahlias. We invite you to download the App and subscribe to the unique design community of The World of Interiors, where you can read the full story by Ruth Guilding and view all previous issues and upcoming ones too. Find an ad regarding our Mindfully Made™ leather accessories under the section ‘Joy to The World of Interiors’. Let us know what you think! With joy and kindness always, Tabitha (she/her) XO Photo credit: Valérie Leduc Photography "TABITHA + CO™ offers a unique, handcrafted, multi-functional leather collection, that is Mindfully Made™ with passion and that complements everyday real-world needs. Taking you from a morning on the go, to a night on the town. 'Travel with Tab'. Join us at other social media platforms to view more of these one-of-a-kind accessories made in Canada"
-THE PRESSMakers' Experience
January 2025